ACTT4Cosmetics - Improve Interconnected innovation ecosystems supporting Actions for Citizen awareness and Twin Transition in the entire cosmetic value chain, has the aim to boost collaboration between European cosmetic ecosystems and encourage the deployment of collaborative innovation to meet the major challenges of Green, Digital and Societal transitions.
During five years and with a budget of 3.6 million euros, co-financed by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme, the ACTT4Cosmetics partners propose a programme of joint actions hinging around European working groups to develop fourteen innovative solutions responding to the main local and European challenges for the green and digital transitions and the task of raising the awareness of consumers and citizens.
ACTT4Cosmetics aims at fostering the creation of a more efficient, open, inclusive, and interconnected innovation ecosystem in the field of cosmetics across Europe by drawing on the strengths of existing local,national, EU ecosystems and by pulling in new, less well-represented stakeholders and less advanced innovation territories. By implementing joint activities (between R&I authorities, -actors, and the private sector) towards innovation deployment, ACTT4Cosmetics aims to integrate the entire value chain of the cosmetic industry to implement structural changes such as digital and ecological transitions, but also innovation as a lever for sustainable growth to respond to the main local and EU challenges in the field of cosmetics for the benefit of the society.
The project was born in the context of Go4Cosmetics, Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships.
A Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships is an interregional network that brings together regions interested ina same industrial sector and make this sector a priority. This initiative is supported by the European Commission to facilitate interregional cooperation across Europe.
The European cosmetic industry was represented by the European network of clusters “Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe” with the aim to boost SME internationalisation.
As second step of the structuration of the European cosmetic industry and complementary to Global Cosmetics Cluster - Europe, the European interregional network Go4Cosmetics has been labelled “Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership” by the European Commission in 2021.
The project was born to go further from the inter-clustering dynamics (Global Cosmetics Cluster –Europe) to the quadruple helix, involving the complete cosmetics ecosystem (local authorities, research and training organizations, development agencies, etc) of regions which have the cosmetic industry as a priority. Where Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe focused on internationalization, Go4Cosmetics aims at dealing with larger subjects than the international focus, with the aim to boost innovation and competitiveness through the Digital Transition, the Green Transition and the consumer and citizen awareness.
GO4Cosmetics is then composed by 10 official partner Regions: Centre-Val De Loire (FR) andLombardy (IT), Catalonia (ES), Centro (PT), Olomouc (CZ), Sardinia (IT), North West (RO), Normandie (FR), Nouvelle Aquitaine (FR). Centre-Val De Loire Region and Lombardy Region are co-leader of the Go4Cosmetics partnership; Cosmetic Valley and REI – Reindustria Innovazione are managing the technical secretariat of Go4Cosmetics.
Go4Cosmetics is an essential tool to carry the voice of the cosmetics industry on a European scale and to boost collaborative innovation in a context where the cosmetic industry needs to be considered as a priority industry by the European Commission.
Advisory Board (AB) is constituted with the organizations from the quadruple helix of the European cosmetic ecosystems (public authorities, development agencies, training and research organizations, clusters, Start-up, SMEs, Group …). ACTT4Cosmetics will welcome all the relevant organizations playing a key role in their regional cosmetic ecosystem.
The role of the advisory board is to support the partnership in the project implementation by providing their expertise and skills.
Members of the advisory board will be able to participate in project activities if relevant for them and to involve actors of their network in the project activities if it is relevant for the project.
They will be consulted regularly (at least once per year) and when needed with precise questions about technical aspects of the actions of the project.