Innovative application for the management of water in cosmetics industry

Water is a valuable natural resource that is becoming increasingly scarce due to population growth, pollution, urbanization, economic development and climate change.

The cosmetics sector has heavily depended on water as a crucial component for the creation and production of its goods. Water is essential at every phase of the cosmetic product lifecycle: it is a primary ingredient in cosmetic formulations, necessary for cultivating raw materials, and used in heating and cooling processes, equipment sanitation, and packaging manufacturing. This results in high consumption and considerable pollution impacts.

Depending on the product category, on average beauty products may contain anywhere from 60% to 85% water. To conserve water and ensure its sustainability, numerous companies are demonstrating their dedication to minimizing the water footprint of their operations by introducind new and innovative technologies per for the production systems.

Nowadays, companies are required to implement new and innovative methods to use water in their production processes without wasting it or at least wasting as little as possible.

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