ACTT4Cosmetics Observatory - 6Ps Circularity: A Tool for Company Digital and Circularity Maturity Assessment
The creation of the model of a European ‘Research Observatory’ has the aim of monitoring and diffusing trends and innovative ideas and solutions regarding digitalisation and green Transition, organisation of matchmaking events and workshops in order to bring actors from the quadruple helix together around a topic.
Companies are facing nowadays the strategic challenge of performing the digital transition. Digitalization is turning more and more into a must-have, to keep a level of efficiency and performance sufficient to stay in the market. Digital technologies, under Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 paradigms, are also a key support in performing the Green and Circular Transition, through traceability technologies, data analytics, and AI. Cosmetic industry is one of the main examples where transition to sustainability and circular economy is strongly demanded by the market and stakeholders.
6Ps Circularity is a well-established company maturity assessment tool, supporting managers and decision-makers in understanding the current level of digitalisation and circularity of the company, which is a mandatory step to identify its current needs and most convenient future steps. In this webinar, the 6Ps Circularity, its functionalities, and its benefits are illustrated.
Join in our virtual room the webinar Monday 2nd December at 4.00 PM.