ACTT4Cosmetics launched the Advisory Board
In occasion of the end of the first year of project, ACTT4Cosmetics partnership launched the Advisory Board.
An advisory board (AB) has been created to support the consortium in its reflection and activity. It is composed of representatives from regional ecosystems, mainly involved in "Go4Cosmetics" S3 thematic partnership. The role of the advisory board is to support the partnership in the project implementation by providing their expertise and skills.
The AV will be consulted at least once per year and when needed with precise questions about technical aspects of the actions of the project.
The meeting was a first introductory one, where ACTT4Cosmetics partner introduce the project and work done during year 1 of the project. The aim of this meeting was to offer an opportunity of meeting with annual a encouraged them to involve themselves , and if they are interested, to take part to the working groups or to to share the informationsinformation about ACTT4Cosmetics’ actions to their own ecosystem.
Partnership plans to set a new advisory board meeting in 6 months, probably during the 3rd steering committee.
We reminded the needs for the ACTT4COSMETICS consortium, especially being in touch directly with the different actors of their ecosystem in order toto involve them in the activities of the program.