ACTT4Cosmetics project starts mapping key topic for cosmetic sector
ACTT4Cosmetics - Improve Interconnected innovation ecosystems supporting Actions for Citizen awareness and Twin Transition in the entire cosmetic value chain, has the aim to boost collaboration between European cosmetic ecosystems and encourage the deployment of collaborative innovation to meet the major challenges of Green, Digital and Societal transitions.
During five years and with a budget of 3.6 million euros, co-financed by the European Union under the Horizon Europe program, the ACTT4Cosmetics partners propose a program of joint actions hinging around European working groups to develop fourteen innovative solutions responding to the main local and European challenges for the green and digital transitions and the task of raising the awareness of consumers and citizens.
For this reason the partnership decides to developed for each topic a survey to map the state of the art and to identify main areas of actions to develop innovative proposal for the sector.
Over the 14 topics, partnership selects a first three thematics:
- Cosmetopeia
- Digitalization in cosmetic industry
- Young people opportunities in cosmetic industry
Check out the dedicated area to find out more about these topics and contribute to the development of innovative solution!